Friday, May 21, 2010


ac·cep·tance (āk-sěp'təns)
  1. The act or process of accepting.

  2. The state of being accepted or acceptable.

  3. Favorable reception; approval.

  4. Belief in something; agreement.

    What is acceptance to you? That's the question I have. When you talk to someone is it to judge them? Or is it to accept them? Do you shake a child's hand as a person? Or as someone above them? How about an adult? Do you treat them with respect?

    I know when I meet a person, I do my best to accept them for them. And not judge them. I do not always succeed in this as I am a person and I make mistakes. One of my biggest problems is I jump to conclusions and it's something I will probably always do. It's never my intension to do so, I am a quick thinker and I like to know the answer. I am not perfect, as no one is. As a believer in Christ, I feel this is a fallen world and we are all sinners, so I do my best to bring love to it. I don't always succeed as I know I come across as a harsh person. Passion. I do my best not to judge, as it isn't my job to judge. Again I fail at this as well. As I am a person. I go through life always worried about hurting people. Just to get told not to worry about them. If everyone cared just a bit more about their nieghbor, then just themselves I think we would be better off. But instead everyone ignores and goes about their day. When meeting a person I try to just accept them for who they are and not, or where they come from. I don't care where you been, what you do. I just care about you. I love alot. My heart is big, or so I think so anyway. Harsh maybe a way I come across, for I am a blunt person, that's the only way I know how to be. It hurts people and I can't say I am sorry, the truth hurts. But it also hurts me. Because I don't expect the blunt route either, but I appreciate the blunt route no matter if it hurts, then I know how to improve myself.

    joke (jōk)

    1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.

    2. A mischievous trick; a prank.

    3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.

    4. Informal

      1. Something not to be taken seriously; a triviality: The accident was no joke.

      2. An object of amusement or laughter; a laughingstock: His loud tie was the joke of the office.

    v. joked, jok·ing, jokes

    v. intr.
    1. To tell or play jokes; jest.

    2. To speak in fun; be facetious.

    v. tr.
    To make fun of; tease.

    I also joke a lot. And people make jokes at me. Sometimes people do not know one is joking. And when someone is typing and not talking it's sometimes hard to know it's a joke. I know I get jokes at me all the time, but they fail because I do not know of the joking matter. Same from me, I may joke to you, but it fails cause, not know it's a joke. When it becomes know it is a joke. Why not let it go? If it hurts someone, say it. If its funny, laugh. If it's lame ha, say so.

    All I am saying is, I love. I won't be sorry for it. I laugh, joke, play. I am not sorry.

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Amersfoort, Netherlands
I am a very diverse person. I love a range of things. Trying out new talents is something that pleases me, as well as helping. I am married to my love Kip in sl. Life is good!